
4 Ways to Maintain Your Dental Implants

If you’re missing a permanent tooth, a dental implant can help restore your smile and restore functionality to your mouth. Installing a dental implant can make it easier to chew and talk and even help alleviate feelings of self-consciousness about your appearance.

Another great thing about dental implants? They’re easy to maintain. Your dentist in Avon, OH, will tell you how your dental implants should be maintained when installed. Below are some of the things you should know about caring for your dental implants.

1. Brush Your Teeth Twice Daily

Brush your teeth twice daily with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Avoid using toothpaste or dental products that claim to whiten or brighten your teeth. If you don’t already know which toothpaste is best, your dentist at Weston Dental will help you choose one.

2. See Your Dentist Twice Yearly

Hopefully, you will see the dentist twice yearly when the implant is installed. Keep up this habit after the implant is put in your mouth. Your dental implant needs your oral health to be good and your jaw to be healthy to stay in place. If your dentist needs to see you more times yearly, they’ll let you know.

3. Clean Between Your Teeth As Directed

Your dentist may recommend that you floss around your implant, or they may recommend that you use another tool (like a water flosser) to clean the food out from around your dental implant. It’s very important to clean food from between your teeth and to follow the dentist’s instructions.

4. Don’t Whiten Your Teeth

Your dental implant can’t be whitened, even if your natural teeth can. Whitening your teeth while you have a dental implant can lead to a mismatch between your teeth and your implant. To avoid a problem, don’t whiten your teeth while you have an implant.

Do you have questions about maintaining your dental implant in Avon, OH? Talk to the dental professionals at Weston Dental. We’re here to help.

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