How Do I Stop My Gums From Receding?  

Gum recession can be a serious problem. When your gums recede, you can experience problems like loose teeth and even tooth loss. Sometimes gum recession is caused by behaviors and lifestyle choices; other times, gum recession is caused by problems like gum disease. Knowing the causes of gum recession can help you take care of your teeth. Your dentist in Avon, OH can help you identify the reason your gums are receding. Here’s what to know.

What Causes Gum Recession?

There are many things that can cause gum recession, including:

  • Using the wrong toothbrush. Your toothbrush should have soft bristles. If you’re using a toothbrush with medium or hard bristles, this can wear down your gums and your tooth enamel.
  • Pushing too hard against your teeth. Pushing hard against your teeth while brushing can wear away gums, even if your toothbrush has soft bristles.
  • Smoking and tobacco use. Tobacco products are bad for gums in a variety of ways. Smoking and using tobacco can cause your gum health to deteriorate with time. Gum recession is one of the problems you might experience if you smoke.
  • Gum disease. Gum disease is an infection in your mouth caused by excessive bacteria. Gum disease can cause the gums to become inflamed and pull away from the teeth.

What Can You Do to Stop Gum Recession?

Seeing your dentist on a regular basis can help stop gum recession. While you’re at the dentist’s office, your dentist can identify if gum recession is a problem and let you know. You and your dentist will work together to discover the cause and identify solutions that can help stop the gum recession before it gets worse. Once gums have receded, they won’t go back to the way they were. But if you keep going to the dentist, you’ll know when it’s a problem.

What Can You Do to Prevent Gum Recession?

You can prevent gum recession by keeping your teeth clean and healthy, going to the dentist twice per year, and brushing your teeth twice daily as recommended by the dentist.

If you suffer from gum recession, you may need periodontic care in Avon, OH. Call Weston Dental to make an appointment for diagnosis and treatment for your receding gums.


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